Friday, January 28, 2011

New York Lady

Angels walk among us every day. Sometimes we are aware, other times not. Arlene graced us all with her light and it continues to shine even in her absence. I am honored to call her my teacher, my mentor, my friend. Everyday, I thank the heavens for sending her down to us. I hope you enjoy this tribute - New York Lady.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dug it out, dusted it off

I dug out some of my old old stuff tonight. I'll post them along. Here is a pen and ink from sometime mid 1980's. I love the bead necklace and the various textures. Untitled

Monday, January 24, 2011

Miss Erin

There is nothing better than a sunny afternoon on the playground. We all had a great time that day. This is called Play Time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Frosty Snow Poodles

It wasn't a lot of snow. There was just enough to make a small snow friend. I have always loved this image of my son with the snowman he affectionately named Frosty Snow Poodles.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Miss Amanda

"Not sure about the water, so we better try this way first." My painting looks like more water than there was. She was, pretty much, sitting on sand. I've named this piece Cautious.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Wish

Seems I am continuing my winter and snow themed paintings. This is Winter Wish. It's my favorite so far. I love the depth of the layers and the details. I hoped convey the magic of snow to a child.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do You Find Clowns Scary?

This is an old piece I dug up. Since it's not dated, I have to guess it's from about 2001. This clown was in the Ringling Brothers Circus February 2000. Yeah, I guess he is a little scary.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Creative Resolution

Happy New Year! - my Creative Resolution.

I have always been artistic, always painted, always sketched for as long as I can remember. Somewhere along the way in this life's journey my art fell away. It's been a long while since I painted. Over the last months art has been tugging at me, urging me to dust off the brushes and place paint on paper. It was a strong calling that haunted me even in my sleep.

For the new year I don't have a typical wish; I have resolved to bring art into my life again. Here, things begin. The week after Christmas I was inspired by the New York Times photographs of children playing in Central Park's snow. Here is Snow Baby...